Emanuel First Lutheran is a confessional church.
That means we proudly confess what the Bible teaches. We are eager to publicize what we teach, because it is the truth of God revealed in Holy Scriptures.
We Believe…
- THAT the Bible is God’s verbally inspired Word, totally without error, and is the only sure guide to heaven.
- THAT the God of the Bible, the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – is the only true God..
- THAT Jesus Christ is true God and since his virgin birth in Bethlehem he is both true God and true Man in one Person.
- THAT we are sinful from birth, and if left to ourselves we would spend eternity in hell because of our sins, for we can do nothing at all to save ourselves.
- THAT Jesus died and rose again to pay for our sins and to offer forgiveness, life and salvation to all as a free gift.
- THAT it is the Holy Spirit who draws us to God through the Means of Grace (The Gospel in Word and Sacraments) for we are powerless to choose Christ on our own.
- THAT infants as well as adults should be baptized and that through this sacrament we receive pardon for our sins through the merits of Jesus Christ.
- THAT in the sacrament of Holy Communion the true body and blood of Jesus are received together with the bread and wine, and that those who partake in true faith receive the forgiveness of sins won by Christ for all.
- THAT God answers every prayer addressed to him in faith and in the name of Jesus, for through the blood of Jesus God is our dear Father in heaven.
- THAT out of thanks for God’s great goodness to us in Christ, the Christian will desire to lead a life of service and will seek to sustain and develop the faith given him by God by regularly hearing God’s Word in church.
- THAT God wants us to join with those who believe, teach and confess these truths, but that he also asks us to withhold fellowship from those who believe, teach or practice anything contrary to what God’s Word teaches.
- THAT God has called us to share these soul-saving truths with all people.